SCO Wins WW3 – European Theater Synopsis

SCO Wins WW3 – European Theater Synopsis

Reading Time: 8 minutes

In 2035, Russia invaded Europe together with it’s allies(Iran, Syria, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Libya).

This triggered the start of World War 3. The precursor to this was the inclusion of a multitude of states into NATO, including Georgia and Ukraine, and intel regarding amassing of NATO forces on the Russian border. This NATO buildup as in response to a joint Russian-Chinese-Indian pact to manipulate the price of oil, opposed to the Saudi Arabian led OPEC that benefited mostly the US, in addition to the Russian economy tripling since 2020 and the failure of US led economic sanctions against Russia due to the annexation of Crimea in 2014. A draft was imposed in Russia that guaranteed 40 million men and women fit for military service were to be made part of the newly reformed Russian armed forces. Simultaneously the governments of Russia, China and India passed an executive order that would force all the smaller members of the SCO and it’s allies to also mobilize their armies.

Unlike the previous two world wars, the European theater was not the largest theater of the war. In fact, this was the Asia-Pacific region. While initially SCO forces ran over NATO and their allies in 2 months, occupying 20 countries, they were stalled by the numerically superior NATO armies. During the first several months of the war, China, Pakistan, North Korea, Bangladesh and India were busy dealing with ASEAN, US, Japanese, South Korean and Taiwanese forces in the Pacific. While Taiwan and Japan fell fast, they became entangled in a Vietnam War style conflict in the marshes and jungles of ASEAN countries. Russian advancements into Europe were heavily dependent on Chinese manufacturing, which in turn was heavily dependent on Indian reinforcements, as the first few months saw the heaviest battles take place in cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Hong Kong and others, all that were important to the war effort. Guangzhou was decimated with coastal bombardments from US and Japanese naval fleets, and it was the most important industrial city. It did not take the Chinese and Indian militaries long to push back these fleets, and for the US and Japan to lure them into a trap by retreating into ASEAN territory. The Chinese held back and did not let US forces advance more than 100 kilometers into Chinese territory. Indian reinforcements came and decimated NATO allied fleets from the southwest, pushing through heavily fortified ASEAN waters.

This took about 6 months, within 2 months of the first 6 months of the war, China had quadrupled it’s industrial production and capacity, from 3.5 million factories before the war to nearly 15 million factories, and helped India build tens of thousands of factories dedicated to naval, amphibious, air and artillery vehicles. India and Pakistan also supplied reinforcements to Middle Eastern armies, that helped break through Saudi Arabian and Israeli defenses and penetrate into Europe. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers of roadways were built with fast drying concrete between the Asian portion of the SCO, in particular a logistics and transportation network where there would be harvest nodes in Russia that would take raw natural resources to China, where they would be processed into useful materials and then sent to India to build fleets. The Indian factories, designed by Chinese engineers, were so efficient, that they pumped out hundreds of ships across the country every hour, each loaded with at least several dozen crewmen. These ships constantly left the ports for various locations across the Middle East, Africa and Asia. India’s newly built seaports and airports became the busiest in the world. Entire tubular networks were built across the SCO just for the sole purpose of transporting supplies with extremely fast speeds, to eliminate the cost of fuel and divert manpower to other endeavors.

While the initial invasion force in Europe consisted of mostly European, North African and Middle Eastern armies, by the 9th month it consisted of millions of Pakistani and Indian troops in addition to what was already there, including European puppet government armies, as well as billions of tons of aid in the form of vehicles, food, supplies, equipment, weapons, ammunition, construction materials and so fourth. Similar to the lend-lease program of World War 2, but over 100x in magnitude. This helped Russia and other countries heal their wounds, and Russia’s northern areas were heavily developed to accommodate the transport of tens of millions of troops, vehicles, drones, ships, aircraft, civilian staff and tons of supplies, accompanied by thousands of icebreaker ships, to cross the Arctic into Canada and Alaska, a several thousand kilometer journey that neither the US nor Canada were prepared for.

First Ukraine, the Baltic States, Georgia and Turkey fell within the 1st month, then by the end of the 2nd month, the Balkans, Poland and Scandinavia.

By sequence, chronologically:

  1. Georgia – 1st week
  2. Ukraine – 2nd week
  3. Estonia – 2nd week
  4. Latvia – 3rd week
  5. Lithuania – 3rd week
  6. Turkey – 4th week
  7. Moldavia – 5th week
  8. Finland – 5th week
  9. Romania – 6th week
  10. Bulgaria – 7th week
  11. Serbia – 7th week
  12. Macedonia – 7th week
  13. Montenegro – 7th week
  14. Sweden – 7th week
  15. Greece – 8th week
  16. Bosnia – 8th week
  17. Croatia – 8th week
  18. Slovenia – 8th week
  19. Norway – 8th week
  20. Poland – 8th week

The fiercest battles initially took place in Ukraine and Turkey, with heavy NATO reinforcements pouring in from the rest of Europe and North America.

Strong pro Russian rebel movements emerged to aid in accelerating the Russian takeover of Ukraine, the Baltic states, the Balkans and Poland.

America, at this time busy with a SCO invasion on it’s Western shores coupled together with an invasion through Northern Canada and Alaska, had it’s forces spread thin among it’s own front line and that of Europe’s, and failed to repel the Russian invasion in Europe efficiently until the later months of the 1st year of the conflict.

The strongest NATO forces in Europe were lead by Germany, together with the UK, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

With the eastern half of Europe under SCO control by the end of the 1st month, battles were raging across Europe from pro NATO rebels, with the heaviest losses being taken in Ukraine, Greece, Turkey, Albania and Scandinavia.

Even though Balkan countries such as Bulgaria, Macedonia and Montenegro were NATO members at the initial invasion and provided substantial amounts of troops and equipment to the war effort to thwart the Russian invasion, not many heavy losses were taken and many defected to pro Russian militias. Subsequently, pro Russian support in these countries being strong both as a result of historical, religious, linguistic and cultural similarities and despise for Western led destruction in their countries previously led the governments to easily turn to the aid of Russian forces in supplying them with troops and equipment for the ongoing incursion into Western Europe.

Out of the Balkan countries, the strongest backing came from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia.

After that, within 6 months, fell Central Europe and Italy. After 2 years, fell Germany, France, the UK, Spain and Portugal and eventually all of Europe.

By sequence, chronologically:

  1. Hungary – 14th week
  2. Slovakia – 16th week
  3. Czech Republic – 19th week
  4. Austria – 20th week
  5. Italy – 24th week
  6. United Kingdom – 39th week
  7. Ireland – 44th week
  8. Germany – 64th week
  9. France – 78th week
  10. Spain – 89th week
  11. Portugal – 97th week

NATO in Europe was in ruins, as subsequently the war in the Greater Middle East and North Africa was tipping in favor of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The last US forces had been driven out of Portugal in the 98th week of fighting, securing a victory in Europe for pro Russian nations. The US military had been constantly dropping troops into the coast of Portugal since their British front was lost to the Russians a year prior, and joint US-German forces inflicted heavy casualties on SCO forces in Germany in several counterattacks, some of the most prominent which include Operation Eagle, Operation Vengeance, Operation Cyclops and Operation Uberstrike, as well as the Second Battle of Berlin and the Siege of Munich.

Pro Russian governments were installed in ex NATO countries in Europe similar to that of Vichy France during World War 2. Anti SCO resistance was heaviest in nations such as the UK, Spain, France and Germany, with hundreds of thousands of pro NATO resistance fighters taking arms in several of these countries. As each country was secured, tens of thousands of local troops would be added to the SCO war effort, making NATO counteroffensives painstakingly difficult as time went by.

By the 4th year, when fighting in occupied territories of the SCO had quenched to about 1/4 of what it was 2 years prior and being mostly concentrated in the vassal states of the SCO, and by the order of the Skopje Agreement, borders were redrawn, with historical territories of the Russian Empire and USSR – Ukraine and Poland being annexed by Russia, while countries such as Baltica(Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia) being created, Macedonia’s borders expanded by given the territory of Aegean Macedonia from Greece and Pirin Macedonia from Bulgaria, Turkey a vassal state of the Islamic Caliphate of Persian and Arabic States and the incorporation of Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia into the ICPA. Serbia was given the territories of Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Montenegro and Austria while Moldavia was annexed by Romania and Bulgaria was given the European part of Turkey which includes Instanbul.

While Italy and the Balkans were under control of joint Russian-Iranian-Arabic forces for the most part, the Skopje Agreement was signed that ordered the redirection of the bulk of Iranian and Arabic troops for assistance in an Atlantic based invasion of North America
and to assist Chinese and Indian forces in quelling fighting in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, which would eventually be developed into the prime tourist destination for newly formed European countries.

Meanwhile, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Serbia were to assist with the redevelopment and Slavification of occupied territories while danger zones such as Western Europe and Turkey were designed as a place where the bulk of the battles and terrorist attacks took place, for by the time they will be quelled, at least the Slav Orthodox Christian culture could be spread internally to half of the Balkans, Central Europe and Instanbul and a Balkan led Slavic Union similar to that of the Yugoslavia of the 1900’s could be created(during the Solunica Treaty), incorporating the former countries of Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Austria into a single country, which would eventually be wholly incorporated into a Slavic Union encompassing every single predominantly Slavic country, led by the former country of Russia. This would be year 20 since the start of WW3, or 12 years after WW3 had ended and resistance fighting had been reduced to several hundred terrorist attacks across Europe per year instead of several thousand since the inception of the South Slavic led Balkan Federation. The Slavic Union would be ratified in the Moscow Accords, incorporating Baltica, the Balkan Federation and Belarus into the Slavic Union. Despite the initial idea of a Slavic Union being a more right wing one, it contained a mix of leftist ideologies together with Pan Slavism right wing ideologies, similar to how a Yugoslavia that incorporated Albania would not exclude the Albanian people just because Yugoslavia meant “Land of the South Slavs”. The Slavic Union was essentially a revival of the USSR or Czarist Russia that encompassed an enormous land area, and was a multi-ethnic union lead by Moscow, in a way Yugoslavia was led by Belgrade.

Chronology of Treaties rewriting Europe’s borders:

  1. Skopje Agreement – 4 years into the war
  2. Solunica Treaty – 12 years after the war
  3. Moscow Accords – 30 years after the war
  4. Paris Consortium – 45 years after the war

Furthermore, in the Paris Consortium 15 years after Moscow Accords and Europe being 70 percent rebuilt, the Slavic Union led the Consortium in which it would secure to forever divide and conquer Western Europe for the centuries to come, and with the hopes of erasing any unification of Western powers like that of NATO-Europe and bringing back the inter-ethnic hatred of the European middle ages between Germanic, Latin and Anglophone powers.

And thus, as a result of the Paris Consortium, Europe’s borders were further rewritten, with vassal states such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland and Uzbekistan(which were former Russian vassal states) being incorporated into the Slavic Union, and creating the new nations of the Germanic Federation, which would incorporate Germany, Ireland and the UK(whose sole purpose is to erase Anglophone influence from Europe and replace it with German influence), the Scandinavian Federation, which would incorporate Scandinavian countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, but would be led by a Finnish government, thanks to Russian efforts in creating a strong Finnish state while quelling resistance movements in Nordic countries, designed to bite at Nordic influence. Last would be the Latin Union, or the former countries of Portugal, Spain, Italy, France and Belgium. This would be in the Slavic Union’s best interests, as a double pronged strategy for the future, with relations dying out with the Islamic Caliphate of of Persian and Arabic States and it’s skyrocketing population and economic boom, as a result of being the world’s foremost energy producer thanks to solar power in the deserts of Africa and the Middle east and a threat to Slavic Union influence. Turkey is also incorporated into the Islamic Caliphate of Persian and Arabic States during this agreement.