Scenario 7: India vs. Arab League

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In this scenario, India has been increasingly at odds with Pakistan and Bangladesh, after making enormous compromises to make historic amends now that it is free of Western influence creating a culture of division amongst what the British Empire initially divided.

Due to these compromises and amends, the people of Pakistan and Bangladesh have begun to view India favorably, with overwhelming approval ratings in comparison to before. The Pakistani and Bengali military launch forces without the approval of the public, on India, and as a result civil war breaks out in Pakistan and Bangladesh. In the midst of this Indian intelligence finds out it was the Arab League that supported this increasingly separatist behavior. The Pakistani and Bengali militaries quickly begin to be full of deserters as both sides take heavy losses, as public support grows for the Indian military. Just as the Indian military manages to get within a few hundred kilometers of both the Pakistani and Bengali capitals and take over both Pakistan and Bangladesh, the Arab League declares war on India and millions of Arab League troops begin to pour into northern and western India, attempting to take Mumbai and New Delhi.

The Arabian Sea explodes with naval and air battles, and the coastlines of India, Pakistan, and much of the Arabian Gulf are decimated.