Scenario 5: China vs. Arab League

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In this scenario, China is seeing the increasing numbers of Muslims in it’s eastern territories a problem. The Arab League, a mostly Muslim alliance of some 500 million people, openly denounces how millions of Muslims and Uyghurs have been locked up in Chinese concentration camps. One day, a nuke given to an Uyghur rebel group in China is detonated in the Western Chinese city of Lanzhou, a predominantly Han Chinese city located in Gansu, a province bordering Xinjiang, and kills over 1 million people. The Chinese military subsequently conducts raids on Uruqmi, breaching door to door and kidnapping hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs to send them to concentration camps. It also uncovers after interrogating hundreds of thousands of people that the source of the nuke was an Arab League black operations group that smuggled the nuke to Uruqmi and gave it to the Uyghur terrorists.

As a result, China and the Arab League declare war on each other.