Scenario 3: EU vs. NAU vs. SCO

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In this scenario, we examine more of a war over natural resources. The European Union under Germany expels all US forces from it’s territory and NATO is disbanded. It disregards the Potsdam Agreement that limits it’s military size and begins to militarize all of the EU, which now goes on to include Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia and Turkey. The British and Australians have allied themselves with NAU because they are Five Eyes countries. The SCO is as it currently is. The North American Union has been established, erasing all borders between Canada, the US and Mexico. US and Mexican companies begin developing, harvesting and resettling Canada in an attempt to counter-balance the loss of the EU as an ally and the enormous might of the SCO.

In the first weeks of the war, the UK falls to EU occupation and a pro EU government is installed.