Scenario 11: Five Eyes, EU, UNASUR, ASEAN vs. SCO, African Union and Arab League

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In this scenario, Five Eyes or the Anglo-American Empire, consisting of the United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, together with the European Union, South American Union under Brazil and ASEAN go toe to toe with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, African Union and Arab League. Since Brexit, it’s a very plausible scenario that Five Eyes or predominantly English speaking former colonies of the British Empire, whose descendants, laws, customs and culture are mostly based on the Anglosaxon ethnicity and it’s derivatives, would form their own alliance, while Germany heads the European Union, clashing toe to toe with Russia once again, while a defiant ASEAN wishes to replace the SCO as the dominant power in Asia and the Pacific, with the blessings of Five Eyes and logistical support from Australia.

Instead of a divided Africa or Arab world or Middle East, most of it is united under one banner. As with the Arab Spring of 2011, that saw regime changes around the Arab world, some in favor of the West, others in favor of the East, a new Arab Spring emerges in which the last remaining Arab countries friendly to US interests are overthrown by interests friendly to Russia. Similarly, Chinese economic aid and investment in Africa together with Russian military support managed to win the support of most sub-Saharan countries. The last bastions of Western neocolonialism such as in Kenya and South Africa, eventually were won over by increasing Eastern influence and lack of Western influence.

As a result, the entire African continent banded together with nearly all of Asia. The third world together with the second world clashed with the first world.