Author: Head Honcho

1. Beginnings of the Campaign at Ebro in 1938

Reading Time: 2 minutes On July 24, 1938 the Ebro offensive began, and was considered the crucial factor in determining the end of the Spanish Civil War. The brutal fighting in the past 2 years leading up to the offensive gave the impartial observer the impression that the war would never end. The Republican government of Spain would capitulate…
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1. Introduction to Battle of Gravolette-St-Privat in 1870

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Battle of Gravelotte-St-Privat was fought between France and Prussia on Thursday, August 18, 1870 and was the largest battle of the Franco-Prussian War. Prior to this, on August 2, 1870, the French forces had taken over the Prussian city of Saarbrucken but the tide was turned when Marshal Bazaine’s forces comprising the bulk of…
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1. Backdrop to the 45 – Culloden in 1746

Reading Time: 3 minutes It was July 16, 1745 and Prince Charles Edward Stuart and several of his loyal associates, historically now known as the “Seven Men of Moidart”, had armed themselves with a miniscule amount of weapons and ammo, began to sail for the Hebridean island of Eriskay, using two French frigates for their voyage, aptly named Du…
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1. Naseby in 1645 – Campaign Roots

Reading Time: 3 minutes The reason: “For really I think that the poorest he that is in England hath a life to live, as the greatest he, and therefore truly, sir, I think it’s clear, that every man that is to live under a government ought first by his own consent to put himself under that government, and I…
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1. French Foreign Legion Paratroops – The Indochina War 1946-1954

Reading Time: 2 minutes In 1940, after the French Vichy government was established, the overlords of the French units stationed in French Indochina, currently comprised of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, became the Imperial Japanese forces. During World War 2, the French forces there were ordered to remain idle as the war raged on elsewhere. In March of 1945 the…
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1. Hattin in 1187 – Campaign Roots

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the 1180’s there was a turning point in the Crusades, as the nations that were the successors to the original Crusader states did not have expansionist plans in their purview, something that made the original Crusader states actual “Crusader states” in the traditional definition of what it meant to be a Crusader. Contrary to…
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Origin Point of the Battle of Agincourt in 1415

Reading Time: 2 minutes On the 24th of October in the year 1415, a 28 year old English King named Henry had been presented with his greatest challenge in life thus far. His army, outnumbered 3 to 1 by a young, ready for battle counter-army of French troops, was diseased, tired and surrounded by the enemy. The young English…
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Introduction to Rome and Her Enemies

Reading Time: 4 minutes Rome can be considered the reigning superpower of the ancient world. The civilization of the Romans was fearsome and devoured any state who stood in it’s path, but also shared many resemblances with our own modern day society while at the same time exhibiting things that set it apart. The fact that these contrasting differences…
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The Intertwining of Persia, Greece and Macedon: The Beginning

Reading Time: 3 minutes Alexander’s position and importance in history was largely determined by the events of the prior150 years of back and forth diplomacy, skirmishes and turbulence that occurred between the Greek and Persian empires. Through the turbulence, Greek cities along the Aegean coastline in Anatolia had experienced rule under the Lydian kings of Sardis, up until the…
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Introduction to the Battle of Qadesh – 1300 BC

Reading Time: < 1 minute Into year 5 of Pharaoh Ramses the Second’s governance, the armies of Ramses and that of his opponent, the Hittite king Muwatallish, clashed at the Orontes, creating the largest chariot battle in history. This battle characterized the style of warfare used by the nations of the Late Bronze Age in the Middle East. Both the…
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